Spinach and Quinoa Puree

Spinach and Quinoa Puree is a nutrient-packed baby food recipe that combines the iron-rich goodness of spinach with the protein and fiber benefits of quinoa. This recipe introduces your little one to new flavors and provides essential vitamins and minerals for their growth and development.
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The Story

Spinach and Quinoa Puree is a nutrient-packed baby food recipe that combines the iron-rich goodness of spinach with the protein and fiber benefits of quinoa. This recipe introduces your little one to new flavors and provides essential vitamins and minerals for their growth and development.


1 cup spinach leaves
1/4 cup quinoa
1 cup water or vegetable broth
2 Servings

Prep Time:

0 Hrs 10 Mins

Cook Time:

0 Hrs 20 Mins

Total TIme:

0 Hrs 0 Mins


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